About Us
Action East Devon is a values based, local charity working with young people and their families across East Devon, to create the services and support they need to live happier and healthier lives.
We run mental health and wellbeing support projects and deliver services, working with partner organisations, young people and their families. Focusing on a needs-led service delivery model, we aim to support those with better access and a better variety of services to enable them to be as healthy as they can be.
We are passionate about mental health and wellbeing support at a local level. Our collaborative network continues to grow as we look to developing solutions that support and promote the health and wellbeing of our local population, in response to the demands of a changing health and social care landscape.
Strategic commitments for 2022-25
- Headlight peer support services will be delivered in 3 market town locations in East Devon.
- School mentoring services available to all year groups at 5 secondary schools in East Devon.
- Regular transitional support available for those in school years 5 and 6.
- Better access to resources, materials and jargon busting ‘help sheets’ for all care givers of young people struggling with their mental wellbeing.
- Supporting and collaborating with grassroots local organisations with specialist skills
in supporting families and young people in East Devon. - Upskilling community members and professionals alike with mental health awareness and education through quality training and workshops.
- Promoting youth voice in wellbeing and mental health services through specific mental health forums and social action groups.
- Influencing decision makers to make the right changes to better support those who need it.
- Ensuring the organisation has effective processes and procedures
Who we work with
At Action East Devon we work with community and voluntary groups across the district and we set a high value on our place in the local community.
We collaborate with people who share our commitment to working with East Devon’s diverse population to identify their needs and help them develop their own solutions. We have a strong track record of working in partnership with stakeholders across the voluntary and public sector in our local area. We sit on the Local Care Partnership (Eastern) steering group for children and young people’s wellbeing along with the steering group for the Wellbeing & Health Action Team (WHAT) to ensure the voice of our service users is heard throughout the sector.